Title: Reign of Darkness The Fallen Kingdoms, book 2 Author: KB Benson Release Date: January 16th, 2024 Pages : 419 Book Description: Darkness is a vicious evil no mortal can escape. But I’m no stranger to darkness, and I never intend to be free. With new, unfathomable power, Ari won’t rest until she gets her revenge. But she is blinded by her vengeance, and when Caelum arrives in Eida, she never imagined he’d take it for his own. Blood fills the streets. Death lingers in the air. Caelum has come to steal Ari’s power and build an army filled with monsters and magic. An army he has every intention of unleashing on the human world. Unless she stops him. Fiercely loyal to the realm he calls home, Graeden will do whatever it takes to protect it. But as an insurrection forms against the Starfallen’s new queen, Graeden finds his loyalty is no longer fixed firmly on the realm or the crown. Unable to douse the fire Ari stirs within him, Graeden finds it isn’t enough to protect her....